A look back at spring 2023 groundbreakings

And just like that, it’s summer! With the turn of the season comes yet another season… groundbreaking season!

The Sioux Falls Development Foundation hosted three groundbreakings during spring 2023, and we’re excited to help usher in new chapters of growth and success for each of the businesses and organizations who’ve held groundbreakings this year. Take a look below to find a recap of each one!

Great Plains Zoo African Lions Exhibit

The Great Plains Zoo broke ground on its new African Lions Exhibit, which will bring lions back to the zoo for the first time in over 30 years.

L to R: Margaret Carmody, Ryan Howlett, Alissa Bretsch, Ryan Tysdal, Molly Daniel, Jeannie Iannello, Andrea Smith, Jeanelle Lust, George Mollner, De Knudson, Steve Kolbeck, Mayor Paul TenHaken, Kim Burma, Becky Dewitz – President and CEO, Great Plains Zoo, and Dave Knudson.

McCrossan Boys Ranch School Addition and Renovation

McCrossan Boys Ranch celebrated a groundbreaking for the renovation and addition to their school.

L to R: Front L to R: Jeff Griffin, Pam Hanneman, Alyssa Nix, Jim Wiederrich, Brian Roegiers, Jason Hubers, Bryan Ingalls, Dr. Michael Elliott, Elizabeth Lewis, Christy Vastenhout, Dan Newell, Jon Bour, and Paul Heinert.

Back row L to R: Jeff Pray, Brent Olthoff, Brent Reilly, Randy Fink, and Mayor Paul TenHaken.

Electronic Systems Inc.

Electronic Systems Inc. broke ground on an expansion at their facility that will join two existing buildings together.

L to R: Kurt Loudenback, Jeff Tornow, Jeff Eckhoff, Gary Larson – President, and Scott Lawrence.

Leah Friese Headshot
Want a groundbreaking? Contact

Leah Blom

Director of Marketing and Digital Media, Sioux Falls Development Foundation

Chairman’s report: Coordinated community = coordinated growth

By: Steve Kolbeck, Board Chair

As we look at the growth of the Sioux Falls region over the past 10 years, we can’t help but ask the question, “How did this happen?” Most of the population is content to believe that this progress “just happens” as a natural course of growth. The truth is, this progress is the result of the coordinated efforts of many organizations and the private sector working together to build a firm foundation for the region, painting a vision of what Sioux Falls can be now and in the future.

Several not-for-profit development organizations exist in the region that work with private sector businesses, utilities, educational partners, and governments to maximize healthy growth in business development, tourism development, downtown development, business startups and social services coordination.

Economic development organizations like the Sioux Falls Development Foundation and the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce use the Forward Sioux Falls initiatives to lead and leverage public/private sector resources to address priority projects and initiatives in the community.

Promotional organizations like Experience Sioux Falls, Downtown Sioux Falls and a host of other activity-specific entities work together to bring visitors to the region and utilize our vibrant community for sporting events, conventions, business meetings, weekend events, locally organized events, and activities for our citizens.

Government and educational institutions, including our area schools, universities and tech schools coordinate with business and industry as well as not-for-profit development organizations to maximize resources and eliminate duplication of efforts. Providing the public resources needed, the City and County invest in the infrastructure and social assistance necessary to enhance the livability and superior quality of life amenities available. Our educational institutions provide the quality education our citizens need, and the workforce needed to continually grow our economy. All coordinated with the business, community, and social needs of a growing city.

None of this “just happens.” It is through the coordinated efforts of community leadership in these organizations that produce the greatest results. The Sioux Falls Development Foundation is proud to be a key player in this coordinated effort to grow our region. We appreciate the support of all our partners and the vision and foresight of these organizations’ leaders. Our success is being noticed nationwide and it’s because we have a plan, a vision, and the leadership to make it happen. Thanks for all you do.

Forward Sioux Falls’ leadership briefs investors

By Mike Lynch, Executive Director of Forward Sioux Falls

It took vision, strategy and collaboration to launch Forward Sioux Falls over three decades ago. We’re indebted to those who took the risks, made the difficult decisions and set aside competitive differences—all in the name of a desire for Sioux Falls to be among the best places in the country to live, work and play.

Forward Sioux Falls’ leadership showcased 2026 program outcomes to date, as well as five-year objectives during an Investor Briefing, held June 13, 2023.

The briefing focused on initiatives within program pillars including talent attraction, retention and development; business retention, expansion and attraction; innovation and entrepreneurship; and business advocacy, airport and quality of place.

The collective impact of Forward Sioux Falls throughout the years has been extremely profound. For the current program, five-year goals include:

  • 4,500 new, direct jobs at above median wage added
  • $500 million in new capital investments
  • $250 million in new property tax revenues
  • Over 300 acres of land sold and developed
  • 300 existing companies assisted

We appreciate the 325 investors who provide the crucial resources to make these objectives realized.

Click here to view the presentation from the Briefing.

Look to the future with Forward Sioux Falls

President’s Report: Filling the workforce pipeline

By Bob Mundt, President & CEO

When I arrived at the Development Foundation in mid-2018, I was charged with the challenging task of recruiting people — as well as companies — to Sioux Falls. The previous Forward Sioux Falls program had identified workforce development as THE top issue facing our community and tabbed the Development Foundation with meeting that need. Their logic was that if the Development Foundation was in charge of creating new jobs through the expansion, retention and attraction of industry, we should also be in charge of helping our companies fill those positions.

After hiring Denise Guzzetta to lead this effort in 2019, we decided that the best strategy to address the labor challenge was to develop ways to add prospective employees to the workforce pipeline and connect them with our employers searching for talent. I am proud to report that over the past four years, we have met that challenge head on.

Our three-pronged approach centered on:

  • Local Talent Development through programs aimed at middle school, high school, local university/tech school students; and upskilling of current employees to higher paying, in-demand jobs. Programs include:
    • Career Connections
    • Your Future STEM Camps and in-school opportunities
    • Second Chance Job Fairs
    • Health Sciences Clinical Simulation Center
    • UPSKILL Sioux Falls
  • Talent Attraction with programming and marketing to universities/tech schools and regional talent hubs to recruit existing workers and specialized talent.
    • Talent Tours
    • Talent Now
    • Talent Draft Days
    • Talent Rebounds
    • Talent Thursdays
    • INTERN Sioux Falls
    • WORK Sioux Falls
  • Business Partnerships sharing resources and best practices for recruiting and retaining talent in a competitive environment.
    • Sioux Falls Area Recruitment Council
    • WIN in Workforce Summit

Using social media, traditional media and leveraging our partnerships with education, government, the business community, and best practices from around the country, we continue to lead the region in recruiting talent. Our website, SiouxFalls.com, continues to generate connections to our Forward Sioux Falls investors, our members and our companies looking to hire talent. Literally, thousands of people from outside the region have connected with our companies and we continue to expose our local talent to the many opportunities for work after high school graduation, or advancement opportunities within their companies.

While our unemployment numbers remain low, I am confident that we are generating a buzz about working and living in Sioux Falls. As we move forward, we will continue to look for new ways to bring workers into the Sioux Falls pipeline. We appreciate your support and participation in these programs.

South Dakota ranked the 2nd best state for Doctors

Doctors and health care services are essential to a thriving community and state. We are fortunate to have wonderful health care amenities and providers in South Dakota. Not only do our health systems provide the best care to our citizens, but South Dakota is one of the best states to practice medicine, according to a ranking by WalletHub.

“In order to help doctors decide where to practice, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 19 key metrics,” the article releasing the findings says. “Our data set ranges from the average annual wage of physicians to hospitals per capita to the quality of the public hospital system.”

South Dakota is the second best place to practice medicine, according to the ranking. See how other states compared and learn more about the methodology at the link below.

Sioux Falls ranked among top 50 best places for families

A move is a big consideration, and it’s one that doesn’t just affect you, but your family as well. For that reason, Fortune has compiled a list of the top 50 best places for families, and we’re excited that Sioux Falls has made the list as one of the best places for families, coming in at no. 35.

“In our analysis of nearly 1,900 cities across the country, the best places to live scored high on assets like health care, education, and resources for seniors—all of which can help fight isolation and build social ties. For the first time, this year’s list highlights the best place to live in each of the 50 states,” the article releasing the findings says.

To learn more about the methodology, to see which other cities made the list, and more, click the link below.

Sioux Falls is a top 100 city to live

If you’re looking for a new place to lay down some roots and start a new chapter, the options can seem to be endless. But in reality, there are many cities that are “hidden gems” throughout America. However, we may be a little biased towards one specific city: Sioux Falls.

We’ve always known that Sioux Falls is one of the best places to live, work, raise a family, and so much more. Now, Livability has ranked Sioux Falls as a top 100 city to live!

Livability’s Top 100 is compiled each year and considers only cities with populations of 75,000-500,000.

“Together we curated our cities based on nearly 100 data points and an algorithm taking into account measures of a city’s economy, housing and cost of living, amenities, transportation, environment, safety, education and health,” the article releasing the list said.

To see why Sioux Falls made the list, click the link below!

High school students enjoy immersive work experiences through Career Connections program

One high school senior tackled an IT project at the Washington Pavilion.

Another learned design-related software at Sayre Associates.

They’re two examples of high school students who this spring were able to immerse themselves in work-related learning experiences through the Sioux Falls Development Foundation’s Career Connections program.

“These are real projects that they’re working on, which is incredible,” said Denise Guzzetta, the organization’s vice president of talent and workforce development. “It’s a way for a company and a way for talent itself to work on a project together but also find if there’s a cultural fit, if there’s a match.”

To see the program at work, click below.

Nearly 80 businesses are participating in Career Connections, which takes several forms — from job-shadowing and workplace visits to these more intensive experiences.

For businesses looking to really connect one-on-one with students, Guzzetta said this approach is a strong fit.

“Whether you’re looking to offset some of the administrative tasks you have or you don’t have time to get to a project that’s been on the shelf, tap into the students we have,” she said. “They’re going to get the experience they want and make that emotional connection, but you’re also going to get someone who’s going to help you with your workload.”

To connect with the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, email deniseg@siouxfalls.com.

Career Connections Internships 2023

Family of 9 relocates from Canada to Sioux Falls, finds all-around positive move

About six months after his sister moved her family to Sioux Falls, Bryan Grim and his family followed.

“We were looking to get out of Canada for a while and see what the States was all about, specifically the Midwest,” he said. “And with my sister here, when we were looking at places, it naturally came to Sioux Falls.”

She told her brother “it’s way sunnier” compared with where they were from in Vancouver, she enjoyed her job in health care, “and the church community she joined was very welcoming, and for her family, that made it a lot easier transition.”

A job search online led Grim to Raven Industries, which embraced his experience in software engineering.

“As a software engineer, I had options in Sioux Falls – from agriculture to financial services – and my mom grew up on a dairy farm, so I always had the attraction to agriculture, which steered me in Raven’s direction.”

He and his wife, Leanne, moved last year with their family of seven kids and found a 6-acre hobby farm southwest of Sioux Falls.

Grim Family

“That was the other thing that impressed me about Raven – they made it clear it’s a family-friendly company, which was a big draw for me,” Grim said. “Looking at a job switch and a country switch in my mid-40s, I wanted it to be as easy as possible.”

At work, he now gets to use his skills working on cutting-edge ag technology designed to support farmers.

“I get to work on field computers that do a lot of guidance and steering for these big machines, and it’s pretty fun to be part of that,” he said.

Bryan Grim working at Raven Industries in Sioux Falls, SD

And at home, he gets to try his own hand at small-scale farming.

“We moved from a 6,000-square-foot lot in the suburbs, so it’s been a fun move,” he said.

“My wife is really embracing the culture, the free space we have and is starting to plant big gardens. We bought 40 chickens, so we’re going to see what we can do with that acreage, and she’s loving it. But we’re still 10 minutes from town, so everything is accessible.”

He also gets to spend time with his sister and her family of five kids. His own kids have loved the Great Plains Zoo and Butterfly House & Aquarium. And with dedicated hockey and softball players, “we’re at the Sanford Sports Complex multiple times per week,” Grim said.

“They’re all getting along pretty good with classmates and fellow church members, and the community seems to be really friendly. It sounds cliche, but when you move here, you do feel the friendliness.”

Grim family at Falls Park in Sioux Falls, SD

He also has plenty of company at Raven, which regularly hires nationwide and beyond.

“Raven has grown exponentially,” Grim said. “You talk to most people and they seem to have joined in the last few years. Plus, I have team members in Seattle, Billings (Montana) and in Minnesota. But there are a lot of people moving into Sioux Falls for Raven.”

This summer, the family looks forward to camping and getting to further explore the Sioux Falls region.

“People who talk about traffic here I don’t think have driven in other cities,” Grim added. “Being downtown for work is really nice, and the fact it doesn’t take an hour to get out of it is even nicer. In Vancouver, you go downtown, and it’s a two-hour drive. Here, I’m home in half an hour tops.”

Grim family at Falls Park in Sioux Falls, SD

The family’s experience reflects much about what new residents love about the Sioux Falls area, said Denise Guzzetta, vice president of talent and workforce development for the Sioux Falls Development Foundation.

“Raven is such an importer of talent, and we’re so happy that Bryan and his extended family have found welcoming careers and communities within a community here,” she said.

“The fact that he’s able to put his software engineering skills to work in such a meaningful way is a huge win, as is how the family is able to enjoy all the best of Sioux Falls along with a rural lifestyle. We couldn’t be happier to welcome them not just to our community but to the U.S.”

Grim family stands in front of an American flag on the day they became U.S. citizens

Bryan Grim and his four oldest children on the day they became U.S. citizens.

Are you ready to make your move to Sioux Falls? Connect with deniseg@siouxfalls.com to learn more about career opportunities here.

Sioux Falls is a top 25 place to retire for 2023

Retire better in Sioux Falls, SD

After spending decades working, your retirement is something you should enjoy. Fortunately, Forbes has done research to identify the top 25 places for retirement in 2023.

Sioux Falls is one of the best places to retire! With housing prices lower than the national median– $376,000– Sioux Falls is a great place to put down new roots. The study took into account quality of life indicators, factors that promote active retirement, and more.

“Accordingly, the Forbes Best Places to Retire In 2023 list aims to identify the top choices across the U.S. for high quality retirement living at an affordable price,” the article said.

See why Sioux Falls made the list at the link below.

Sioux Falls ranked the #5 best place for college grads

Start your career in Sioux Falls

After four years of hard work and dedication, college graduation is a big moment to celebrate! But what comes next: finding a job, a new place to live, and starting a new phase of life can be intimidating.

Luckily, we know a city that’s a fantastic place to start a new chapter: Sioux Falls, SD, is the no. 5 best place for college grads according to Stacker.

“To be included, each metro needed a large share of residents with advanced degrees and a 2021 unemployment rate lower than or equal to the national average, which was 5.3%,” the article said. “Housing costs for young adults also had to be more affordable than the national average, measured as the ratio of the median income of households headed by people under 25 to the typical rent for a one-bedroom apartment. Metros were sorted by the median income of residents under 25, relative to the overall median income.”

See more about Sioux Falls’ ranking and how other cities compared!

Talent Talks program allows students to hear from young professionals

Sometimes just one conversation can influence a young person’s career.

That’s the strategy behind the Talent Talks program coordinated by the Sioux Falls Development Foundation.

It connects young professionals with high school students, sharing individual experiences and career journeys in Sioux Falls.

“So that people can start envisioning what could be their life here in maybe five to 10 years,” said Denise Guzzetta, vice president of talent and workforce development for the organization.

“The range of presenters has gone anywhere from people in the financial services sector to people that are in public service; that shows a large bandwidth of different types of jobs and opportunities.”

Talent Talks is one of several workforce development programs coordinated by the Sioux Falls Development Foundation.

Get a recap here:

Talent Talks

Denise Guzzetta
Want to get involved in our workforce programs? Contact:

Denise Guzzetta

Vice President of Talent & Workforce Development, Sioux Falls Development Foundation

Award-winning electronics manufacturer to begin major expansion

Electronics Systems Inc. will increase its manufacturing space by 60 percent with a new addition that breaks ground this week.

The Sioux Falls manufacturer, founded in 1980, will add an 18,500-square-foot steel structure building to join two separate facilities at 600 E. 50th St. N.

Electronic Systems Inc.

The addition will break ground May 11 at 11:30 a.m. and support manufacturing of high-tech custom electronic circuit board assemblies involving automated equipment, assembly and testing operations.

“It’s being driven by demand,” president and shareholder Gary Larson said. “We’ve seen steady growth in our business, consistently for the last decade, and then after a slight blip at the start of the pandemic, we’ve done nothing but continue to grow.”

Electronic Systems Inc.

ESI provides a full range of electronic manufacturing services to original equipment manufacturers, or OEMs, in the industrial, commercial, medical, energy, agriculture and biotech markets.

Electronic Systems Inc.

“Nearly everything has electronics in it now, so there’s considerable demand in many industries, but you still have to earn the business,” Larson said. “What we’ve seen is a solid base of customers that we continue to service, and they continue to reward our efforts.”

It all centers around customer service, he emphasized. The goal at ESI is not just good customer service but legendary service. The kind that exceeds expectations and leads customers to tell others.

Electronic Systems Inc.

“Everybody here has the same job, and that’s providing legendary service to the customer no matter what your position in the company,” Larson said. “That’s what we’re focused on, and it’s served us well.”

It culminated in the company being honored with the highest overall customer rating and the Service Excellence Award sponsored by leading trade publication Circuits Assembly.

Electronic Systems Inc.

The designation reflected the highest score in all categories, from quality to technology, value for price, responsiveness, dependability and timely delivery.

“ESI is a fantastic company, and we’re excited to celebrate their success with this expansion,” said Mike Gray, director of business development for the Sioux Falls Development Foundation. “We were glad to advise them on the local programs available to assist growing companies as we work to expand target industries in our community.”

One valuable program will allow the company to “stair step up” into the increased property taxes that the expansion will bring with it.

Electronic Systems Inc.

“This allows them to gradually take on that additional cost instead of experiencing it immediately after making a large capital investment to grow in Sioux Falls,” Gray said.

ESI is a strong example of the onshoring business that has occurred since 2020.

“The pandemic certainly made businesses understand the value of a domestic manufacturing partner,” Larson said. “From that perspective, the market has changed, and we’re seeing new opportunities.”

Of course, capturing those opportunities takes people. ESI has grown to 275 employees, but its expansion will require more.

“The job market is tough, and the majority of our workforce works directly in manufacturing – assembly, machine operators and things like that – although we also have staff in engineering, materials and purchasing,” Larson said. “If we find people willing to work a steady shift and in support roles, they can have great success here.”

Electronic Systems Inc.

ESI has worked closely with the Sioux Falls Development Foundation’s Career Connections program, bringing high school students into the production facility to learn more about the opportunities here.

The hope is to encourage more internships and launch a manufacturing technician certificate through Southeast Technical College this fall to build a pipeline of workers directly sourced from high school and offer a way to upskill.

“Nothing we build has our name on it, so students don’t know us and have no idea what goes on in a building like this,” Larson said. “When groups come through, it’s been a fun opportunity to tell our story.”

Larson makes it relatable, teaching students how ESI manufactures electronics that power drive-thru intercoms and interruption controls for emergency response vehicles, for example.

“We relate it to real life – these are things nobody knows about,” Larson said. “We enjoy working with the Development Foundation and are looking forward to getting more traction in our student-focused programs.”

Electronic Systems Inc.

The company is a strong opportunity for workers at all skill levels, said Denise Guzzetta, vice president of talent and workforce development at the Sioux Falls Development Foundation.

“This is a highly automated, tech-driven business that continues to make key investments both in its physical facility as well as in talent,” she said. “It’s a perfect example of how we’re trying to open students’ eyes to the opportunities that exist to learn valuable skills and grow a career without leaving Sioux Falls.”

ESI hopes to open its expansion sometime in the third quarter.

“We’re really focusing on expanding our current capacity, so we’ll add any new equipment we need, and that might increase our capabilities because the technology is ever-changing, especially in automation, so we’re always upgrading,” Larson said.

“And we’ll be hiring to support the expansion. We’re already anticipating it and trying to stay ahead.”

To learn more about Electronic Systems Inc., click here.

Dordt University students take part in Talent Tours at Sioux Falls businesses

Students from Dordt University traveled to Sioux Falls on April 28th to tour different businesses around town. These English majors were “career curious” about the opportunities to which their degree could lead them.

The students arrived in Sioux Falls and received a tour of Lawrence & Schiller, a marketing and advertising agency. There, they learned more about what types of services L&S offers to their clients and how they adapt to the ever-changing trends in the marketing world.

The students then arrived downtown at the Commerce Center for lunch. Shane Tinklenberg, a Software Engineer at Raven Industries, Ella Rynders, the Brand Manager at Fernson Brewing Co., and McKenize Kooima, an Account Services Representative at BPM, are alumni of Dordt University and volunteered their time to speak about their career journeys and what it’s like to live and work in Sioux Falls.

After lunch, the students traveled to PREMIER Bankcard where they got an overview of national-level advertising, media strategy/buying, and content development. The students were able to get a better idea of how their English degree could be utilized within the financial industry, something they didn’t think was possible.

The final stop of the day was at Click Rain & Lemonly. The students were taken on the grand tour of their new office space and given a rundown of how the two sister companies work together. Their tour guides were Dordt alumni who were able to explain how they utilize their Dordt education in the work world.

The day was a success as the students were given a glimpse of the possibilities in Sioux Falls!

What a wonderful day of exploring careers that will utilize a degree in English! Sometimes students are hesitant to pursue a degree with a broad reach, such as English. This career trek opened our eyes to various roles in a company that can be significantly enhanced by strong writing skills, whether creative writing, or technical writing, or anything in between.

My faculty participant and I particularly enjoyed reconnecting with our alumni. Claire did a fabulous job of finding young alumni to serve on the lunch panel. They were able to share about the value of their Dordt education, why they love living and working in Sioux Falls, and share some valuable advice for transitioning well from college into career.

We are so grateful for the broad reach of the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, which enables them to showcase local employers and opportunities!

Amy Westra, Director of Career Development, Dordt University
Claire Herbst
Want to bring your students to Sioux Falls?

Claire Herbst

Talent Recruitment Coordinator, Sioux Falls Development Foundation

Legacy of leaders lost honored on 30th Anniversary with Mayoral Proclamation

April 19th marked the 30th anniversary of that fateful day our state and community lost eight men. Sioux Falls Development Foundation representatives Roger Hainje, David Birkeland, and Angus Anson, along with Gov. George Mickelson and four state officials: Roland Dolly, Ron Reed, Ron Becker, and David Hansen perished as their plane went down returning from a mission to retain the John Morrell plant and the jobs it provided.

The Development Foundation honored former leaders and Governor Mickelson, with comments from Dave Link and Jim Wilcox, colleagues of the men, during a private event. Mayor TenHaken named April 19, 2023, Economic Development Leadership Day with a Mayoral Proclamation.

Hainje was president of both Forward Sioux Falls and the Sioux Falls Development Foundation in 1993. Birkeland, an FSF II campaign leader, was Chairman of the Foundation; and Anson served as Foundation Vice Chair at the time. All were extremely involved in the early years of the Forward Sioux Falls program and served on the Joint Venture Management Committee. Board volunteers and Development Foundation staff stepped up after the loss, continuing the economic development legacy these men exemplified.

Historical Perspective – Roger Hainje

Economic Development Leadership Day mayoral proclamation