Sioux Falls ranked a top 10 mid-size city by AARP


AARP has ranked Sioux Falls a top 10 mid-size city!

The index scores every neighborhood and community in the United States for the services and amenities that affect people’s lives the most as they age by using more than 50 national data sources to measure 61 community characteristics across seven categories: housing, neighborhood, transportation, environment, health, engagement and opportunity.

Sioux Falls: 2022’s most affordable place to live & work in the US

When it comes to picking a place to live, one of the most important factors is affordability. For that reason, we’re excited to share that Sioux Falls tops the list of most affordable places to live and work in the U.S. for 2022! The ranking was compiled by GoodHire using census data, and ranked cities using the following criteria:

  1. Wage Growth (20% weight)
  2. Unemployment Rate (10% weight)
  3. Job Growth (20% weight)
  4. Percentage of Jobs Open (10% weight)
  5. Renter Affordability (15% weight)
  6. Homeowner Affordability (15% weight)
  7. Real Per Capita Personal Income (10% weight)

Sioux Falls MSA ranked 8th in economic strength

POLICOM specializes in studying the dynamics of local economies and addresses the condition of an economy from the viewpoint of its impact upon the “standard of living” of the people who live and work in an area. The highest ranked areas have had rapid, consistent growth in both size and quality for an extended period. The lowest ranked areas have been in decline. The formulas used to determine economic strength measure how the economy has behaved, not what has caused it to perform.

In their 2022 study, POLICOM, ranked Sioux Falls 8th best out of 384 Metropolitan Statistical Areas for our economic strength.

South Dakota ranks 2nd on the 2022 Tax Foundation Index

When it comes to picking a state that has the best business tax climate, South Dakota is always near the top! With no corporate or individual state income tax, it’s a great place to own a business. The Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index revealed South Dakota is the second best state for business tax climate. Curious which other states are in the top ranks? Learn more at the link below.

South Dakota a top 3 state for inbound migration

In its annual national movers study, United Van Lines tracked which states had the top inbound and outbound migration during 2021. The company shared that the pandemic is likely a reason for people relocating to lower density areas and wishing to be closer to family. As the second highest state for inbound migration, we’re excited to have some new faces in South Dakota!

New York Times quiz says Sioux Falls is a top place to live for new parents

A new quiz by New York Times says Sioux Falls is a top place to live for new parents.

Using Affordability as a the top consideration for new parents, Sioux Falls earned the highest ranking. Sioux Falls also received high scores in the categories of schools, commute, space for money, income mobility, climate risks, and parents.

New York Times Opinion shared the rankings for various ‘best places to live if…’ on Instagram. See the post below:


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Sioux Falls No. 1 best place to rent in America

To determine where renters can get the most bang for their buck, WalletHub compared more than 180 markets on 22 key measures of rental attractiveness and quality of life. Data points ranged from the difference between rental rates and mortgage payments to historical price changes, cost of living and job availability.

Check out the stats and story on

Sioux Falls has an overall “A” Niche grade

Sioux Falls is among the best cities to live in according to based on crime, public schools, cost of living, job opportunities, and local amenities. Niche bases their rankings on data from the U.S. Census, FBI, BLS, CDC, and other sources.

Sioux Falls ranked 53rd with an overall “A” Niche grade. Factors include:

A Good for Families

A- Jobs

A- Public Schools

A- Nightlife

A- Commute

B+ Housing

B+ Cost of Living

B+ Diversity

B Health & Fitness

B- Outdoor Activities

C+ Weather

C+ Crime & Safety

Click “Learn more” below for additional information.

A top city for Renters!

Dwellsy ranked over 350 metros on their attractiveness for renters with Sioux Falls listed at No. 3.

The study, based on factors such as rent prices, availability, employment, schools and health, determined which cities were the most renter friendly. Factors such as local art and food scenes were also considered.

With high-quality schools, affordable rentals, and low unemployment rates, the Midwest stood out as one of the best regions for renters.

For more information, visit their website.

Dwellsy’s 2021 Top 20 Small Cities for Renters
1 Fargo, ND-MN
2 Lincoln, NE
3 Sioux Falls, SD
4 Green Bay, WI
5 Grand Forks, ND-MN
6 Fond du Lac, WI
7 Lafayette, IN
8 Greenville, NC
9 Harrisonburg, VA
10 Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA
11 Oshkosh-Neenah, WI
12 Ames, IA
13 Iowa City, IA
14 Bowling Green, KY
15 Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR-MO
16 Jefferson City, MO
17 Columbia, MO
18 Florence-Muscle Shoals, AL
19 Lawrence, KS
20 Springfield, MO