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The Sioux Falls Development Foundation Annual Report of Developments is a statistical and narrative summary of developments that have taken place within the community year-to-date. The report highlights activity within the Sioux Empire Development Parks and Startup Sioux Falls, as well as major industrial, office, commercial, healthcare and quality of life developments. The report is published every year in November in conjunction with the Sioux Falls Development Foundation Annual Meeting.
The Community Profile is the official publication of the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, and provides information on demographics, labor statistics, business and tax climate data as well as education, recreation and business services. The publication will give you a general overview of our community. If you have more specific questions about Sioux Falls, please contact us.
The Sioux Falls Development Foundation compiles and provides a list of area manufacturing firms located within Minnehaha and Lincoln counties. Contact information, employment figures, NAICS Codes and products produced are included.
In 1954, a group of far-sighted business leaders created the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, a non-profit economic development corporation focused on improving the economy of the Sioux Falls region. The Foundation is widely recognized for helping create one of the most vibrant, secure and growing economies in the nation. The organization has a long and storied history, thanks to the many individuals who have been instrumental in creating and continuing the Development Foundation legacy.
Historical Perspective – Roger Hainje