SD Trade Provides Valuable Services

By Mike Lynch, program director

In 2023, Forward Sioux Falls joined nearly 30 organizations, along with the State of South Dakota to provide funding for South Dakota Trade (SDT), which focuses on export education, STEP Grant hosting, international trade consulting and trade missions.

In its inaugural year, SDT has achieved several key milestones including:

  • Procuring $375k in federal grants
  • Providing continuing education to 70+ trade practitioners
  • Hosting delegates from over 10 countries
  • Providing over 400 hours of free and confidential consulting to small businesses
  • Conducting the state’s first trade mission in 10 years which generated more than a 60x return on investment (over $1.5 million in direct sales). In total, SDT has directly supported more than $3 million in sales for South Dakota companies this year

If any Forward Sioux Falls investors desire assistance with any aspect of international trade, we encourage them to utilize the services SDT provides. Click here for contact information and to learn more about SDT programming.

Business leaders join Development Foundation board of directors

The Sioux Falls Development Foundation added two business executives to the organization’s board of directors. Elected through a vote of the membership, Kurt Brost and A.J. Saigh began their terms on January 1st.

Kurt Brost, Senior Director of Community Relations, Sanford Health

Kurt Brost currently serves as the Senior Director of Community Relations for Sanford Health. He has served in various capacities within the Sanford Health system since 2008 including Director of Real Estate Services, Chief of Staff, Director of Profile Store Development, and Head of Executive Affairs. Prior to his career at Sanford, he spent a decade with Gateway Computers in sales, training, corporate communications, and program management; as assistant campaign manager with the Thune for Senate race; and five years as a Broker Associate at NAI Sioux Falls.

Born and raised in Presho and Pierre, the South Dakota native graduated from Augustana University with a BA in English and obtained an MBA through the University of Sioux Falls. Brost is married with two children. His wife Krista is a teacher in the Sioux Falls School District, his daughter is attending Augustana, and his son is a student at Lincoln High School.

A.J. Saigh, Chief Financial Officer, Burwell Enterprises

A.J. Saigh is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Burwell Enterprises and the other affiliated companies under the Burwell umbrella. These companies include C&B Material Handling, LLC – 20 material handling dealerships located in Montana, South Dakota, Iowa, Louisiana, Alabama, Virginia, and West Virginia; ProForm Fabrication, LLC – a stainless steel fabrication and custom manufacturing company located in Minnesota and South Dakota; and Silvertree Hospitality, LLC – a hotel management company which manages two family-owned hotels in Wisconsin.

In addition to the above, A.J. helps manage the Burwell family external investments which include e-commerce, health care, and real estate.

Assuming pivotal roles within the Burwell executive team, A.J. encompasses key functions such as mergers and acquisitions, treasury services, debt management, tax planning, estate planning, and the oversight of relationships with external family advisors.

Tenure with the Burwell family began in 2015, following a five-year tenure at Carlson Companies. During this period, A.J. dedicated three years to the management of financial operations for the Asia Pacific region in Singapore. Subsequently, A.J. spent two years at the Carlson Companies corporate headquarters in Minneapolis, where responsibilities included financial planning and analysis, mergers and acquisitions, dispositions, and family reporting.

A.J. started his career at Deloitte & Touche in Minneapolis with a focus on audit practices. Clients were focused primarily on financial services and family offices.

Relocating to Sioux Falls from Minneapolis in July of 2022, AJ and his wife, Melissa, have three children: Linna, Jimmy and Tony. His hobbies include driving kids back and forth between dance and hockey.

President’s Report: So What’s Next?

Bob Mundt, President/CEO

At our September and October Board retreats, we had the opportunity to share ideas with several of our community partners including our real estate brokers, city leaders, county leaders, Sioux Metro Growth Alliance, educational partners and human resource professionals from many of our key industries. These days were spent analyzing current strategies and projects including land sales, acquisition and development, identifying target markets for industry as well as strategies for retaining our current industries and talent/workforce development.

With input from our partners and analysis from staff and Board members, we have begun to assemble our action plans for the Development Foundation for the next three years. Potential opportunities include:


  • Meeting demand for smaller lots.
  • Regional options for land acquisitions and sales in neighboring communities.
  • Consideration of resource limitations when targeting and attracting companies.

Target Markets

  • Retain and expand high tech existing industry.
  • Target one corporate headquarters relocation.
  • Consider workforce limitations and critical infrastructure as it affects community growth.


  • Grow INTERN Sioux Falls programming.
  • Take Talent Draft Days to targeted campuses recruiting key high need job candidates.
  • Utilize alumni associations from high schools and regional universities to recruit talent.
  • Expand Career Connections to more regional high schools.
  • Redirect WORK Sioux Falls programming to universities and tech schools.
  • Initiate a “Come Home to Sioux Falls” campaign.
  • Focus on a skilled trades campaign.
  • Continue and expand the UPSKILL Sioux Falls programs to include CNA and skilled trades.
  • Act as a clearinghouse for contacts connecting educational institutions with businesses.

We will continue to refine these ideas into an organized workplan with implementation strategies over the next few years and work to continue our success and progress in these areas. We believe these programs will help us remain competitive and benefit our investors, our members, and our community.

Thanks for your support over this past year. We look forward to your support in 2024. Happy New Year.

Chairman’s Report: Thanks for Your Support

Steve Kolbeck, 2023 Chair

This past year has been a whirlwind for me with my first year as a State Senator, Chair of the Development Foundation and addressing all the changes taking place in the corporate world given inflation, interest rates and the focus on energy and how we produce it. I do need to thank the Foundation Board of Directors and the staff for making tough decisions and for implementing policy and programs that continue to address our challenges and move the organization forward. Aside from the fact that there’s never a dull moment, 2023 has been great and the future continues to look bright with proper planning and strategic thinking.

We were able to share our successes at the Annual Meeting held on Thursday, November 16, with many of you. Our annual report highlighted the activities and successes of the Foundation. Special kudos to Jim Soukup, our 2023 Spirit of Sioux Falls award recipient, for his outstanding contributions to the community and the Foundation.

As we reach the end of 2023, the Development Foundation has touted the success of Foundation Park to dispel the myth of “Flopdation Park” when Foundation, State and City leadership announced the Park in 2015. With over 500 acres sold to date creating over 2,300 jobs and millions in new tax base, the activity for land development and companies wanting to expand or relocate to Sioux Falls is still consistent. We have leveraged our partnerships and our relationships with the City to continue to accomplish our mission and expand our thinking. More successes will come.

Our workforce development efforts have revolutionized how we help business and the community recruit talent utilizing our relationships with educational institutions, human resource professionals and marketing to promote the Sioux falls region as “THE” place to have a career. As a community growing by 5,000+ people per year, we know our efforts are paying off. While we still have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, we continue to do everything we can to make the Sioux Falls region their first choice.

I want to thank the Board, committee members and staff of the Development Foundation for their work in guiding the organization. Special thanks to the retiring Board members, Kurt Loudenback and Jeff Fiegen for their time on the Board and their contributions over the past six years. I also want to welcome our two new Board members, Kurt Brost and AJ Saigh, and encourage them to further engage and be active members of this Board.

I have truly enjoyed my time leading the Sioux Falls Development Foundation and thank all of our investors. We have a strong organization and I am confident we will continue to grow, problem solve and make a positive difference in our region.

Thanks for your support.


What’s Trending in Foundation Park

Foundation Park will see two new tenants in 2024. FedEx Freight acquired 43-acres in the southeast corner of the park along I-29. They’ve begun grading and will do most of the build-out of their new freight terminal in the spring and summer of 2024. Owens & Minor, a Fortune 500 company, and Avera will be moving into a 330,000 square foot multi-tenant building in the northeast part of the park. Owens & Minor designs, manufactures, and sources health care products. They’ve partnered and supplied medial products to Avera since 2012. Avera will have numerous operations at the new facility including centralized pharmacy, supply chain, bio-medical engineering, home medical distribution and courier operations.

Both projects will make a significant impact on Foundation Park regarding size and amount of overall employment. These two projects are also following a trend in Foundation Park of significantly larger parcel sizes and overall scope of project. In addition, the structure of both projects is setting a new trend in the industrial market in Sioux Falls. Both projects were completed using a national developer, meaning that the developer negotiated, purchased, and will own the site and lease the building back to the end users. The FedEx Freight project on 43-acres was acquired by Setzer Properties, a firm based in Lexington, Kentucky. The Owens & Minor/Avera project was completed by Brookwood Capital Partners, a firm based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. We are certainly seeing this model more often as Sioux Falls continues to grow, and we market Sioux Falls on a national scale.

Cascading the Impact of Forward Sioux Falls

By Mike Lynch, program director

With 36 years of helping Sioux Falls grow its economy, Forward Sioux Falls continues to build upon its success with vision, strategy and collaboration.

And while our economic development program is widely known and positively supported throughout the area by both public and private sectors, it’s important that young professionals, as well as new/returning residents and businesses relocating to our region understand this profound impact as well. It’s one of the main reasons we published a book and also solid justification for marketing program attributes.

Thanks to generous Forward Sioux Falls in-kind investors, we’ve produced a thirty-second television commercial and radio ad to cascade our objectives and intended outcomes. The first flight has been scheduled, beginning January 2024. For a sneak peek, click here to view the TV spot.

Forward Sioux Falls Video Spot

4th quarter groundbreakings 2023

The 4th quarter of the year always seems to be the busiest in terms of groundbreakings! Businesses and organizations are excited to get shovels in the ground before the snow flies, and this year was no different. The Development Foundation was honored to coordinate and host four groundbreakings in the fourth quarter, and 13 total groundbreakings for the year in 2023.

See photos and recaps of each groundbreaking that took place!

St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Sioux Falls, S.D., broke ground on their second thrift store location to serve the west side of Sioux Falls and surrounding areas. In addition to housing a retail thrift store, the 25,000 sq. ft. building will be home to a training center for the Vincentians that serve those in need.

L to R: Scott Ausland, Cathy Crisp – President of the Sioux Falls District Council for St. Vincent de Paul, Steve Kolbeck, Kim Burma, and Councilor Marshall Selberg.

Jacobson Plaza

The Jacobson Plaza will create a year-round recreation destination in downtown Sioux Falls. The project includes an outdoor refrigerated ice skating ribbon with a warming house, a large all inclusive playground, a splash pad, an off-leash dog park, a gathering hall with food and beverage options, public restrooms, formal outdoor gathering spaces, landscaping, and pedestrian connections.

L to R: Julie Iverson, T. Denny Sanford, Don Kearney, Eric Ellefson, Steve Kolbeck, Dianne Jacobson, Garry Jacobson – Lead Donor, Mayor Paul TenHaken, Pat Lloyd, Craig Lloyd, and Jeff Griffin.

Orthopedic Institute (Tea)

The Orthopedic Institute celebrated a groundbreaking for their new location in Tea. The new building will be a two-story, 70,000-square-foot clinic and office in the Bakker Landing development in Tea, south of 85th St. and west of Interstate 29.

L to R: Jay Buchholz, Bob Mundt, Lynda Barrie – CEO, Dr. David B. Jones Jr., Mayor Casey Voelker, and Scott Lawrence.

The Furniture Mission

The Furniture Mission broke ground on its new 27,000 sq. foot warehouse and office building on the Empower Campus. The new building will also have space dedicated to quilting, a woodshop, paint room, and more to allow ample space for volunteers and mentorship.

L to R: Rich Merkouris, Damon Sehr, Marcia Van Ginkle, Janean Michalov – Executive Director, Mayor Paul TenHaken, David Long, and Scott Lawrence.

Leah Friese Headshot
Want to hold a groundbreaking? Contact:

Leah Friese

Director of Marketing and Digital Media, Sioux Falls Development Foundation

2023 Spirit of Sioux Falls Honoree: Jim Soukup

The Sioux Falls Development Foundation honored Jim Soukup, President and CEO of Soukup Construction, with its ‘Spirit of Sioux Falls’ Award at their 2023 Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 16.

The award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to the economic growth and development of Sioux Falls, and honors the memory of former Development Foundation staff and board members David Birkeland, Angus Anson, and Roger Hainje, who perished along with Gov. George Mickelson and other state officials and staff in 1993 as they returned from an economic development mission.

“There is no one more deserving of this award than Jim,” Foundation board chairman Steve Kolbeck said. “There are countless examples of the ways that he’s used his knowledge and business acumen to improve our city. Whether that’s through his service to the Development Foundation or other facets of city government, he’s been a steady leader, and we are proud to honor him in this way.”

Soukup served on the Foundation’s Board of Directors from 2010-2015, and has remained a member of the Foundation’s Real Estate committee because of his institutional knowledge and sage advice. Additionally, Soukup worked with the City of Sioux Falls to secure the necessary land for its new state of the art Public Safety Campus and has been a resource to various aspects of city government.

“There’s no one at this point in time who truly embodies the Spirit of Sioux Falls like Jim Soukup,” said Dean Dziedzic, Vice President of Economic Development for the Sioux Falls Development Foundation. “He’s been a dedicated volunteer within the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, and has guided us in making strategic moves in terms of developing our industrial parks. We’ve been blessed to have him as part of our organization long after his board term has ended.”

2023 Spirit of Sioux Falls Honoree: Jim Soukup

3rd quarter groundbreakings

With the change of the color of the leaves comes the change of season… Fall! Here at the Development Foundation, we associate fall with groundbreakings, and that’s been true over the past few months!

We hosted three groundbreakings during the third quarter of 2023, and we’re excited to help usher in new chapters of growth and success for each of the businesses and organizations who’ve held groundbreakings this year. Take a look below to find a recap of each one!

Northwest Elementary School

The Sioux Falls School District broke ground on the new Northwest Elementary School, being built near George McGovern Middle School. It will be completed in August 2025 and will hold 680 elementary students. The name for the school will be selected by a committee in early 2024.

L to R: Scott Lawrence, Steve Kolbeck, Dr. Jane Stavem – Superintendent of the Sioux Falls School District, Jeff Kreiter, Marc Murren, Kate Serenbetz, Carly Reiter, Dawn Marie Johnson, and Mayor Paul TenHaken.

River Greenway Phase III

The City of Sioux Falls celebrated the start of construction of Phase III of the Downtown River Greenway. The completion of the project will bring two acres of pedestrian access and recreation opportunities along the west side of the Big Sioux River along the upper reach of the Falls and many other quality of life amenities.

L to R: Don Kearney, Kayla Eitreim, Craig Lloyd, Steve Kolbeck, and Mayor Paul TenHaken.

State of South Dakota One Stop

Dream Design International hosted a groundbreaking to mark the start of construction on the new One Stop building for the State of South Dakota. The new building will house 12 state agencies that were previously located across Sioux Falls and will be completed by 2025.

L to R: Kumar Veluswamy, Mike Stanley, Andrea Smith, Scott Lawrence, Commissioner Chris Schilken, Commissioner Darrin Seeley, Steve Kolbeck, Hani Shafai, Secretary Matt Althoff, Mayor Paul TenHaken, Brad Wood, Deputy Commissioner Andy Gerlach, Deputy Commissioner Heather Perry, Secretary Melissa Magstadt, Cassie Pospishil, Cory Bleyenburg, Tom Hurlbert.

Leah Friese Headshot
Want a groundbreaking? Contact

Leah Friese

Director of Marketing and Digital Media, Sioux Falls Development Foundation

Chairman’s Report: Going Beyond

By Steve Kolbeck, Sioux Falls Development Foundation Board Chair

We’ve all heard the expression “going above and beyond.” It’s always been the tradition through Forward Sioux Falls, city projects, our educational systems, and our organization’s many programs and projects to be the best and take it one step further. To go beyond.

As the Sioux Falls Development Foundation nears eight years of developments in Foundation Park; and the half-way point of the eighth Forward Sioux Falls program, our organization is embarking on a strategic planning process to evaluate what we have done over the past five years and chart a course for the next five years. Borrowing from the recent celebration of the EROS Data Centers 50th anniversary, and their partnership with the Development Foundation for three decades, we have developed our theme for next year…GOING BEYOND.

Since those early years, the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, with the help from our partners and the Forward Sioux Falls campaigns, our region has the reputation of not just getting things done but doing them well. This has only been possible because of the willingness of municipal, business, and community leaders to go above and beyond what is expected. Donating literally millions of private dollars to partner with public funds to make things “just a little bit better” and to stand above what other communities are doing.

Two recent examples include announcements of the new skate park at 10th and Cliff and the Phase III of the River Greenway downtown. Both these projects could have been accomplished with just public dollars; but limited funds accounts for limited features. Without the addition of private dollars, these projects, and many others would be nice, but average. With the addition of private sector dollars, these attractions are now world-class and rank as some of the best in the country.

This same logic applies to the Development Foundation and Foundation Park. Without the help from the City, the State, the private sector and a general vision of what was needed to go beyond traditional parks, Sioux Falls was able to create South Dakota’s largest industrial park and only megasite. Without this, we would not have been able to create thousands of new jobs to date and nearly $600 million in new tax base for the City, the County and the school districts. Without this going beyond attitude, we would not be seeing the tremendous growth we now see downtown, the housing development, the population growth or the consistent retail and commercial growth we have experienced.

The Development Foundation is looking toward the next five years — to make sure that controlled, organized and smart growth continues. We will continue to go above and beyond, just like our EROS partners have done over the past 50 years. Just as EROS has their mission, we have ours and we will continue to look for new ways to grow our tax base, create quality jobs, and improve the quality of life for all.

Forward Sioux Falls: a look back and a look ahead

By Mike Lynch, Director of Investor Relations – Forward Sioux Falls

Those of us who have lived in Sioux Falls all our lives, or perhaps a long period of time, recognize that this community is special.

During the 1980s, business leaders saw the potential of how it could become an even greater city. There were opportunities to diversify the economy and take Sioux Falls from what was then a regional hub to a city of national prominence. To do this, however, there would need to be an ambitious marketing effort as well as recruiting both businesses and people to take us to that next level.

It was not always an easy road. Some community members felt issuing bonds to fund new projects was too risky and not fiscally responsible. Many with this perspective did not want Sioux Falls to grow. Local leaders recognized that in order to overcome this sentiment and advance our community, an organized and dedicated effort would be needed.

To have a significant impact, it was decided that a centralized focus with dedicated planning and resources would be required. As the business community had great respect for both the Chamber and Development Foundation, forming a partnership between the two and creating Forward Sioux Falls was the most appropriate way to meet these lofty goals.

The Chamber’s Evan Nolte and Development Foundation’s Roger Hainje began conversations with National Community Development Services (NCDS) Founder Howard Benson. NCDS was based in Atlanta and had facilitated successful economic development programs in both Atlanta and Denver. Creating a five-year program would allow adequate time to do the important work within each of the program initiatives.

From there, the first Forward Sioux Falls program was established and has to the present day, adhered to the following structure:

  • A new program is freshly imagined to ensure the business community’s most acute economic development and workforce needs are addressed.
  • Program initiatives are formulated.
  • The campaign is conducted, and funds are raised to fund the program.

Over the past three decades, there has been exceptional trust in the process. Serving as the Forward Sioux Falls governing body, the Joint Venture Management Committee (JVMC) oversees both programmatic and fiduciary elements.

Forward Sioux Falls is midway through our five-year program. We are well on our way to meeting our five-year goals, which include:

  • 4,500 new, direct jobs at above median wage added
  • $500 million in new capital investments
  • $250 million in new property tax revenues
  • Over 300 acres of land sold and developed
  • 300 existing companies assisted

The success of Forward Sioux Falls is made possible by the commitment from our investors who understand the program’s positive, collective impact and also how putting competitive differences aside results in a community-wide return on investment.

President’s Report: Focus on the Future

The mission of the Sioux Falls Development Foundation is:

To collaboratively create quality economic growth and workforce development to improve our quality of life.

We will accomplish this through our core values:

  1. Demonstrate integrity and accountability in everything we do.
  2. Provide relevant and creative solutions.
  3. Pursue the “win/win” in everything we do.
  4. Trust and respect our partners and ourselves.

This is the mission and the core values of the Foundation and the basis for our current strategic planning process. Since the inception of Foundation Park in 2015 and the subsequent success of the past years, Sioux Falls and Foundation Park have changed dramatically. With the addition of national brands including Amazon, Federal Express, Lineage Logistics and CJ Foods as well as regional brands including Nordica, Muth, Tessiers, Scherer and Dakota Carriers, Foundation Park and Sioux Falls is becoming a location of choice. Literally hundreds of millions of dollars in new tax base and thousands of good paying jobs.

All this was planned and envisioned eight years ago as the Development Foundation and community leaders discussed and implemented plans to make the vision a reality. Controlled and common-sense growth takes planning so as to create an organized process for growth.

Now in 2023, the Development Foundation is again beginning to plan for the future. We have begun the process of evaluating our strengths and weaknesses and determining a direction for our future. Our planning process includes evaluating the resources we have available to chart a course for the success of Sioux Falls and the Foundation well into the future. We’ll be reviewing our land strategy, sales strategy, prospect lists, workforce strategy, incentives and the next generation of business recruitment in the Sioux Falls region.

We know that Foundation Park was just the beginning. Sioux Falls will continue to grow and the Development Foundation will continue its focus on the future. We’ll work with all of our partners to coordinate and implement positive growth and address the challenges of the future. It’s the Sioux Falls way.

Foundation Park North welcomes Avera Health and Owens & Minor, infrastructure development underway

We’re closing out the 3rd quarter on a high note with the announcement of Avera Health and Owens & Minor as the newest tenants in Foundation Park!

The 23-acre site will be home to a shared facility for the two healthcare organizations. It will allow for greater efficiencies for Avera and closer service for other regional health care clients of Owens & Minor.

The Foundation’s long-term vision, strategy, and planning for infrastructure and improvements in Foundation Park has proved successful as this is the first tenant north of the rail line.

According to Joe McSweeney, a partner in the project’s developer, Brookwood Capital, the land is “really served with utilities, and it’s ready to go, and I would credit the Foundation with that because they anticipated the demand and had the vision to design roads and start roads and bring utilities, so when a tenant comes along, they’re ready to close on the land and have everything you need there.”

Hear more from the project’s partners here.

Below are more updates on Foundation Park’s infrastructure.

Foundation Park North – Street Construction

All the sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and drop inlets are installed along Sechser Avenue and Memory Lane. Soukup Construction has also begun placing cement stabilization along Sechser Avenue and Memory Lane.

Next, Soukup Construction will finish placing cement stabilization west on Memory Lane towards Marion Road. When the cement treatment is finished, they will begin placing the aggregate base course.

Foundation Park North – Trunk Sanitary Sewer

Lidel Construction has placed all trunk sanitary sewer along the railroad alignment to 259th Street. Now, they are installing 15” trunk sanitary sewer north along the Interstate alignment. Currently, Lidel Construction is about 1,500’ south of 259th Street.

Xcel Power Pole Relocation

Xcel Energy has relocated all power poles along 259th Street except for the far east pole. In addition, all but three (3) of the existing power poles have been removed. Xcel plans to wrap up their work by the end of September. John Riley Construction plans to finish the remaining grading work along 259th Street by late September or early October.

Upsize Existing Trunk Sewer (south of the RR)

The design is in progress and will be completed by the end of September for submittal to the City for review/approval.

SFDF welcomes summer intern, Maddie Schwebach!

Summer is here! School is out, the weather is warm, and it’s time for new beginnings. Summer also means internship season, and the Foundation is excited to introduce our intern for the summer, Maddie Schwebach!

Maddie grew up in Dell Rapids, S.D., and attended Dell Rapids St. Mary High School. After graduating, she continued her education at the University of South Dakota, where she graduated in May 2023 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Economics with a minor in Sustainability.

This summer, she’s assisting staff with identifying potential opportunities for development through conducting market research and will help coordinate and organize events and outreach activities to increase community awareness of Foundation initiatives.

When it comes to working at the Foundation, Maddie is most excited to network and form connections.

“I am a people person!” Maddie said. “I enjoy learning about new ideas and concepts, so I am looking forward to learning how to apply what I learned during my four years at USD to my projects at the Foundation.”

If you stop by the office this summer, be sure to say hello to Maddie and welcome her!

Career Connections increases skilled and qualified pipeline for employers

The Career Connections program has achieved impressive results in just its second year. More than 20 talented and motivated scholars have received highly competitive scholarships from renowned programs like Build Dakota, Freedom, and Dakota Corps, enabling them to pursue higher education in various fields such as engineering, healthcare, nursing, computer science, business, and skilled trades.

Kayla Galindo-Lemus, a Lincoln High School graduate and Build Dakota scholar who chose Muth Electric, will join the Muth Electric family this Fall. Shannon Globke, District Manager for Muth Electric, says, “we are honored to be part of the program and excited to have Kayla join our team.”

Kayla Galindo-Lemus

In addition, nine graduates have been accepted into the Sioux Falls PD Cadet program, a new and highly selective initiative set to launch in August 2023. This program aims to support the area’s law enforcement personnel pipeline.

The success of Career Connections is a testament to its unwavering focus on providing students with immersive career learning opportunities, such as job shadows and project-based internships. The program addresses common barriers to post-secondary education, including financial obstacles and a lack of employer support for flexible schedules.

Since its inception in 2021, Career Connections has helped 426 graduating seniors become first-generation college students. This approach sets them on the path to fulfilling and in-demand careers that will meet the workforce needs of local employers.

Emily Koo, EL Department Chair at Lincoln High School, shared her excitement about the program: “Career Connections is an incredible program, and we are thrilled with the opportunities to help our students.”

Denise Guzzetta, the Vice President of Talent and Workforce for the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, expressed her pride and optimism about the program’s future. She attributed the program’s progress and tremendous results to the collaboration and engagement of teachers, counselors, and employers involved in the program. She also acknowledged the instrumental role played by the program’s partners in helping students make viable and financially rewarding career choices.