Sioux Falls Tops the List of Best Cities for Young Professionals Again

Sioux Falls #1

SmartAsset once again named Sioux Falls the best city for young professionals in their annual ranking of the 150 largest cities in America for 2021. Cities are compared across nine metrics that consider affordability, workforce demographics and entertainment options.

This is the fifth year SmartAsset has conducted the study and produced rankings. Sioux Falls has topped the list four of the study’s five years – 2017, 2018, 2019, and now again in 2021.

South Dakota Fares Well in New 2021 Analysis

Location Matters 2021 – The State Tax Cost of Doing Business produced by the Tax Foundation and KPMG provides a comparative analysis of actual state business tax costs faced by businesses. The study accounts for all business taxes including corporate income, property, sales, unemployment insurance, capital stock, inventory, and gross receipts taxes. Economists designed eight model firms, and modeled each firm twice in each state: once as a new firm eligible for tax incentives and once as a mature firm not eligible for such incentives.

In South Dakota, five of the eight mature firms modeled rank in the top 10 for lowest tax burdens – corporate headquarters, technology centers, data centers, capital-intensive manufacturing and labor-intensive manufacturing.

Sioux Falls a Best Performing City

Milken Institute’s Best-Performing Cities 2021:

Sioux Falls No. 7 Best in the Small City category

The Milken Institute’s Best-Performing Cities index tracks the economic performance of approximately 400 US metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) split between large and small cities. It uses an outcomes-based set of metrics—including job creation, wage gains, and high-tech GDP growth—to evaluate the performance of these cities relative to one another. Sioux Falls ranked No. 7 in the small city category.

Sioux Falls No. 10 in Economic Strength Rankings

POLICOM analyzes local and state economies, determines if they are growing or declining, identifies what is causing this to happen, and offers ideas and solutions to improve the situation.

From its research and educational programs, community and government leaders discover what is driving their economy and what the community will have to do to enhance the “economic quality of life” for the people living and working in the area.

In their most recent study, POLICOM, ranked Sioux Falls as the 10th out of 384 Metropolitan Statistical Areas for our economic strength in 2021.

Sioux Falls No. 4 in Ease of Doing Business Ranking

The Doing Business North America (DBNA) project annually provides objective measures of the scale and scope of business regulations in 130 cities across 92 states, provinces, and federal districts of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. It uses 111 data indicators spread over six categories to score and rank cities in regard to how easy it is to set up, operate, and shut down a business.

Focusing on city-level regulations, this study provides measurable benchmarks; objective measurements of regulatory conditions publicly-available to researchers and policymakers allowing them to track the improvement or decline in local regulatory conditions, providing context for potential policy reform.

For more information, visit:

Source: Arizona State University – Center for the Study of Economic Liberty

Sioux Falls Area Ranks Among the Top Places to Get Physically Fit in 2021

In its seventh annual study, SmartAsset crunched the numbers to find the most fitness-friendly places nationwide.

The Sioux Falls area cracks the top 25 places to get physically fit in 2021, out of the 301 metro areas analyzed.

The full report, including methodology and key findings, can be found here:

Sioux Falls Ranks Among the Most Livable Mid-Sized Cities in America

Out of 227 cities, Sioux Falls ranks No. 11.

Mid-sized cities can be great places to live, offering an urban feel without the congestion. As the pandemic drives some residents out of densely-populated cities, there are smaller metros that perform well across an array of livability metrics.

In the 2020 study, SmartAsset crunched the numbers to find the most livable mid-sized cities nationwide across eight metrics including:

Gini coefficient * A statistical measurement of income inequality. A Gini coefficient of zero indicates total equality of wealth distribution, while a coefficient of one indicates total inequality of wealth distribution across groups.

Median home value change The percentage change in median home values from 2015 through 2019. Data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015 and 2019 1-year American Community Surveys.

Median monthly housing costs * .

Percentage of residents below the poverty line *.

Median household income * .

Unemployment rate Data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and is for July 2020

Percentage of residents without health insurance. Data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2019 1-year American Community Survey.

Average commute time *

* Data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2019 1-Year American Community Survey.

Sioux Falls is a top 10 best place to live

Sioux Falls has been named one of the 2020 Top 100 Best Places to Live by, outpacing more than 1,000 cities with populations between 20,000 and 1,000,000 in this data-driven ranking.

This year’s rankings were informed by each city’s “Opportunity Score,” which consists of several variables centered around the economy, job opportunities and growth. When combined, these points offer a snapshot of the opportunity landscape of each city, and the potential for businesses and residents to thrive and grow.

“There are many opportunities not only for careers, but for connection. Sioux Falls is growing rapidly, and it’s amazing to see the impact of community groups. I’ve seen things started by a handful of individuals grow into movements that expand across the entire city — from arts programming to running clubs to environmental initiatives! Whether you’d like to lead the charge on a passion project, or join a group of like-minded individuals, Sioux Falls is a great place to find community.”

Tenley Schwartz , Downtown Sioux Falls Marketing & Content Coordinator

The city’s affordability, low crime rate, top-notch healthcare systems, great schools and four-seasons climate make it the perfect place to build a life. 

Sioux Falls is a Top 10 City for First-time Homebuyers

SmartAsset uncovered the best cities for first-time homebuyers in 2020, comparing 185 of the largest U.S. cities. Sioux Falls cracked the top 10!

SmartAsset analyzed data on 12 metrics across four major categories: home market favorability, affordability, livability and employment. These points offer a snapshot of the opportunity landscape of each city, and the potential for businesses and residents to thrive and grow.

The full report, including the methodology and key findings, can be found here:

Sioux Falls Named the Happiest City in South Dakota

Happy and we know it

Zippia turned happiness into a science and scoured the country examining 600 cities to find those with all the ingredients for happiness:

  • Being well educated (Population with at least a bachelor’s degree)
  • Percent of households earning above $75,000
  • Median home prices
  • A short commute to work (Traffic = unhappiness)
  • Having a family (Getting, and staying married, has a ton of happiness benefits, on average)

Zippia listed Sioux Falls as the happiest city in South Dakota.

Best Housing Markets for Growth & Stability – Sioux Falls Cracks the Top 25

The Sioux Falls metro area cracked the top 25 places in SmartAsset’s study of the Best Housing Markets for Growth and Stability coming in at No. 24.

SmartAsset, in their sixth annual study set out to find the housing markets that have experienced the most stable growth throughout the past 25 years (1995-2019). They specifically considered historical data on home price growth and volatility in 357 metro areas nationwide.

Best Cities for Young Professionals – Sioux Falls No. 4

SmartAsset analyzed data from various sources to find the cities across America that are the best for young professionals.

They compared 150 cities across the following metrics: percentage of the population between 25 and 34, county level unemployment rate from May 2020, labor force participation rate for young professionals, median rent, cost of living, density of entertainment establishments, median earnings for full-time workers, four-year change in median earnings and median rent as a percentage of full-time workers earnings.

Seven of the top 10 cities are in the Midwest including Sioux Falls at No. 4!. Midwest cities stand out in two metrics in particular: median rent as a low percentage of full-time workers’ earnings and a high percentage of the population between 25 and 34.