Arc of Dreams in Sioux Falls SD
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Sioux Falls is a top 100 city to live

  • June 20, 2023

If you’re looking for a new place to lay down some roots and start a new chapter, the options can seem to be endless. But in reality, there are many cities that are “hidden gems” throughout America. However, we may be a little biased towards one specific city: Sioux Falls.

We’ve always known that Sioux Falls is one of the best places to live, work, raise a family, and so much more. Now, Livability has ranked Sioux Falls as a top 100 city to live!

Livability’s Top 100 is compiled each year and considers only cities with populations of 75,000-500,000.

“Together we curated our cities based on nearly 100 data points and an algorithm taking into account measures of a city’s economy, housing and cost of living, amenities, transportation, environment, safety, education and health,” the article releasing the list said.

To see why Sioux Falls made the list, click the link below!
