Chairman’s report: Coordinated community = coordinated growth
- June 21, 2023
By: Steve Kolbeck, Board Chair
As we look at the growth of the Sioux Falls region over the past 10 years, we can’t help but ask the question, “How did this happen?” Most of the population is content to believe that this progress “just happens” as a natural course of growth. The truth is, this progress is the result of the coordinated efforts of many organizations and the private sector working together to build a firm foundation for the region, painting a vision of what Sioux Falls can be now and in the future.
Several not-for-profit development organizations exist in the region that work with private sector businesses, utilities, educational partners, and governments to maximize healthy growth in business development, tourism development, downtown development, business startups and social services coordination.
Economic development organizations like the Sioux Falls Development Foundation and the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce use the Forward Sioux Falls initiatives to lead and leverage public/private sector resources to address priority projects and initiatives in the community.
Promotional organizations like Experience Sioux Falls, Downtown Sioux Falls and a host of other activity-specific entities work together to bring visitors to the region and utilize our vibrant community for sporting events, conventions, business meetings, weekend events, locally organized events, and activities for our citizens.
Government and educational institutions, including our area schools, universities and tech schools coordinate with business and industry as well as not-for-profit development organizations to maximize resources and eliminate duplication of efforts. Providing the public resources needed, the City and County invest in the infrastructure and social assistance necessary to enhance the livability and superior quality of life amenities available. Our educational institutions provide the quality education our citizens need, and the workforce needed to continually grow our economy. All coordinated with the business, community, and social needs of a growing city.
None of this “just happens.” It is through the coordinated efforts of community leadership in these organizations that produce the greatest results. The Sioux Falls Development Foundation is proud to be a key player in this coordinated effort to grow our region. We appreciate the support of all our partners and the vision and foresight of these organizations’ leaders. Our success is being noticed nationwide and it’s because we have a plan, a vision, and the leadership to make it happen. Thanks for all you do.