Looking to live in one of the best cities in America? Look no further than Sioux Falls at No. 2!
SmartAsset did the research for you in terms of the best cities in America to live on a $65,000 salary, which aligns with the national median household income of $64,994. The ranking compares cities with median household incomes between $60,000 and $70,000 with at least 60,000 residents.
All of the top ten cities ranked well in the report’s housing metrics, with less than 25 percent of income spent on housing. Seven of the top 10 cities are Midwestern metros that offer low median monthly housing costs, relatively short commutes, and low unemployment.
Other top metros include Bismarck, ND; Cheyenne, WY; Billings, MT; Waukesha, WI; Bloomington, IL; Appleton, WI; Rogers, AR; Madison, WI; and Cedar Rapids, IA.
Check out the article here.