Bob Mundt President's Report
Back Directions Newsletter

President’s Report: 2025 board directives

  • December 12, 2024

By: Bob Mundt, President and CEO

Recently, the Development Foundation Board of Directors laid the groundwork for 2025 with some key directives. We will begin working on these as we move through 2025.

Developing future land inventory

  • Work with City to align possible locations based on existing and planned infrastructure development timelines
  • Develop financial feasibility and modeling similar to Foundation Park
  • Develop a timeline for acquisition over the next three years

Explore regionalism as it relates to economic development

  • Work with SMGA to identify potential partnership opportunities for land development in surrounding communities
  • Work with SMGA to market the region more holistically

Talent & workforce development

  • Implement workforce development initiatives on a more regional basis
  • Continue focus on retention and attraction of talent
  • Innovate programs with universities and tech schools to ensure more graduates stay here
  • Continue to grow internship programs through higher education programs and business collaboration

Build a community land bank directed at workforce housing initiatives

  • Develop a sustainable funding mechanism
  • Develop a sustainable program to perpetuate annual housing growth in this space

Leverage Falls Area Development Corporation for redevelopment of targeted areas

  • Riverline
  • Identify additional redevelopment sites
  • Develop an on-going funding source for acquisition

Develop and refine a true progress dashboard

  • Define critical measures
  • Assemble data
  • Create a dashboard we can use for Board and Investor reports