Learn how to increase your team’s production and ROI while offering valuable internship experiences at an upcoming workforce development event.
Coordinated by the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, this panel discussion Feb. 3 will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Commerce Center, 200 N. Phillips Ave.
Networking will begin at 3 p.m. in the Sioux Falls Development Foundation’s Briefing Center located on the first floor of the Commerce Center. Employers will have the opportunity to meet students from Augustana University, the University of Sioux Falls and South Dakota State University.
The presentation will begin at 3:50 p.m. in the Betty J. Ordal Conference Center on the second floor of the Commerce Center.
“This is a full-circle opportunity for employers,” said Denise Guzzetta, vice president of talent and workforce development. “Not only will you walk away with new and inspiring ideas for your internship program, but you’ll have a chance to meet one-on-one with students who could become those future interns or new hires.”
Speakers on the panel will include Teagen Molden, a USF graduate who became connected to her employer, Marsh McLennan Agency, through an internship and has taken on numerous full-time roles since graduation, and Venky Venkatachalam, dean at the USD Beacom School of Business, who has worked with multiple Sioux Falls businesses as well as the Development Foundation to create ongoing work experience opportunities for students.
“If you want to learn about best practices and new ways to think about internships, these are the people to learn from,” Guzzetta said. “Start thinking now to be ready for the interns who will be ready to contribute in a big way to your business this summer or even sooner.”