By: Steve Kolbeck
With every new year, there seems to be new challenges which in turn bring new opportunities. I am honored to be chairing the Sioux Falls Development Foundation this year as we rise to meet these challenges. Previous leadership has placed us in a good position to capitalize on past decisions and be ready when we need to be.
Foundation Park has met or exceeded expectations providing new development, tax base and new jobs for the community. With companies like Amazon, FedEx, Lineage Logistics, Nordica, Tessier’s, Dakota Carriers, and our newest tenants – Scherer, Inc. and Muth Electric in Foundation Park South, we established a Tax Increment Finance District north of the tracks with the help of the City to fund the build out of Foundation Park North to accommodate CJ Foods North America beginning in 2024.
In 2022, we graded the entire 500+ acres of ground north of the tracks and have just accepted bids for the installation of roads, water, sanitary and storm sewers. These actions taken by the Foundation will allow the development of “build-ready” lots north of the tracks soon and a premier showpiece for prospects considering Sioux Falls for expansion or relocation. With the changes in interest rates, inflation and supply chain issues, these buildable sites make our location stand above the competition.
In addition, our workforce development efforts stand as a model for the region as we administer 13 specific programs to help our existing companies find workers, ranging from Career Connections in our high schools to our university and tech school recruitment through INTERN Sioux Falls, UPSKILL Sioux Falls, WORK Sioux Falls, and a host of talent recruitment efforts reaching potential workers in the 300-mile radius.
2023 will be a year with new challenges, but the Sioux Falls Development Foundation is meeting those challenges. We encourage all of you to join us through membership in the Foundation and through connecting with us if you have expansions in your future. We appreciate your involvement in Sioux Falls and the Foundation and thank you for being a part of our growing community.