Contact Karen
Director of Research, Membership & CommunicationsKaren Ruhland joined the Foundation as a Research/Prospect Service Specialist, advancing to Research Director, Director of Research & Communication Services, and currently serves as Director of Research, Membership & Communications. Her career in economic development started with an internship at the Sioux City Chamber of Commerce while completing her degree at Briar Cliff University.
With a knack for editing and attention to detail, Ruhland serves as a valuable resource for the Foundation. And with a love of demographics and stats, that resource extends beyond the Foundation and Forward Sioux Falls, to partner organizations, members, and local businesses.
Ruhland is responsible for research activities, board and member management, and communication efforts including the Foundation’s most notable publications – – the Community Profile, Annual Report of Developments, and Directions newsletters. She tracks and provides information for the website and surveys area businesses to maintain the Foundation’s extensive databases.
Ruhland was the Foundation’s representative on the Workforce Data Users Group, and represented the Foundation in the City’s Workforce Development Grant review process. In addition, she serves as a Community Impact Team Member with United Way, chairs the Spirit of Sioux Falls Scholarship Review Committee and has served on the Census Complete Count Committee, the O’Gorman Building on Excellence Capital Campaign and the St. Lambert Forward in Faith Capital Campaign.