Welcome to Internship Info, our weekly blog segment featuring information about internships, opportunities in Sioux Falls, and more! Each week on Tuesdays, you’ll find a new post to learn about a featured employer or best practices for applying for jobs and internships. This week, SFDF’s Talent Recruitment Coordinator, Claire Herbst, shares tips for creating a great resume.
Your resume is not just a comprehensive list of your career, but instead is a marketing document that allows you to show how you are the perfect match for the position you are applying for. Here are a few tips that can help you when crafting up your resume for your next job.
Tailor your resume.
Tailor your resume to each individual position that you are applying for. By doing this, you are allowing everyone who reads it to be able to see how your skills and experiences make you a match for the position.
Work experience goes in reverse chronological order.
When writing your work experience section, list your experiences in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. Include the name of the company, job title, the period you were employed, and job achievements that are relevant to the position you are applying for.
Format your resume.
Formatting your resume will help in making it look as polished as possible. Keeping it simple will allow the reader to easily read what is written. Font size should be 10 or 12, with headers slightly larger or in bold. Use bullet points to list job achievements. Avoid using pictures or images as they make a resume clunky.
Focus on transferable skills and experiences.
Focus your resume on transferable skills and experiences. This can include volunteering, school projects, clubs/organizations, internships, etc. The skills that you acquired in these experiences are more than likely transferable to the current position you are applying for. Utilize them to sell yourself!
Limit your resume to one page.
Keep your resume to one page. This forces you to only add the most relevant skills, experiences, and information. If you are having trouble keeping it on one page, a few things that you can do are trim your margins, combine sections, and shorten bullet points.
Remember, your resume is a tool that should be utilized to sell yourself to the hiring manager and show them that you are the perfect match for the job!

Claire Herbst
Talent Recruitment Coordinator