Join us for the groundbreaking of Cherapa Place, a vibrant urban neighborhood consisting of four buildings, underground parking, and a parking structure. These buildings will be filled with 12 luxury condos, 228 apartment units, 325,000 square feet of office/retail space. In addition to these living spaces, there are plans for multiple restaurants, a coffee shop, a bar, a fitness facility, and other entertainment attractions. At the heart of this neighborhood will be an active courtyard encouraging relaxation, health, and community. To top it all off, there will be a 5,000 square foot meeting and event space connecting buildings 1 and 2 overlooking the river and courtyard. This $225 million development calls for continued density along Sioux Falls’ beautiful river greenway and extending back to the railyard switchyard land.
Parking is available at the Cherapa Place south lot or at Railyard Flats.