Augustana University’s Groundbreaking
We are excited to announce that Augustana University will be breaking ground on May 18th at 4:30pm for a new residence hall, the renovation of two residence halls and infrastructure upgrades to university electrical, heating, and parking systems. Please join us in celebrating this momentous occasion.
Founded in 1860, Augustana is a selective, comprehensive university affiliated with the Lutheran Church. With more than 100 majors, minors and pre-professional programs for undergraduates, along with graduate degree and continuing education programs, the University is committed to enriching lives and fostering development by combining a foundation in the liberal arts with professional skill and advanced study. Augustana serves more than 1,900 students from 41 states and 24 countries. Most are part of our residential community and call our 100-acre campus in the heart of Sioux Falls our home. Our graduate and continuing education programs serve students online and during times that are convenient for adult learners.
The groundbreaking ceremony will take place to the south of the Fryxell Humanities Center (FHC), No. 23 on the campus map. Guests are encouraged to park in the lot to the north of Commons Drive.
Liz Heidinger
Membership Services Specialist, Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce